Middle School Overview

Middle School Conversion Timeline

Fall 2023: Middle School Conversions Complete

By Fall 2023, construction and other conversion planning for the three remaining junior highs in FUSD (Centerville, Hopkins and Thornton) is scheduled to be complete. All students entering 6th grade in FUSD will attend their attendance area middle school.

More information will be shared with impacted students and families, staff and our community ahead of the transition.

2015-2017 Middle School Instructional Task Force

The Middle School Instructional Task Force was a district-wide advisory group that met from 2015-2017 to consider curriculum and instruction models. Each school site will have a Site Construction Committee that will separately convene to address physical space and facilities design.

Instructional Model Objectives

  • All middle level learners participate in challenging, integrated, real world, standards-based curriculum that promotes conceptual understanding, 21st-century skill development, and knowledge acquisition
  • Instruction is age-appropriate, engaging, and differentiated to meet individual student learning needs
  • Research is conducted to identify and implement practices leading to continual student learning and high academic achievement at the middle level

School Organization and Community Involvement

  • Organizational structures and a school culture of high expectations enable all middle level students and educators to succeed
  • Relationships for learning create a climate of intellectual development and a caring community that includes having an adult advocate for each student
  • Ongoing family and community partnerships provide a supportive and enriched learning environment for each middle level student
  • A supportive, safe, and healthy learning environment advances learning and promotes overall student and educator well-being

The Middle School Instructional Task Force met for two years to discuss:

  • 6th grade transition planning
  • potential curriculum and instruction models
  • instructional space elements
  • parent and community engagement
  • student input
  • professional development and training
  • other areas of concern and interest

Task Force Action Plan

9/24/15: Task Force Meeting—Introductions/Purpose/Overview
10/28-10/29: Field Trips to California “Middle Schools to Watch”
11/10/15: Task Force Meeting—Debrief on Field Trips
1/27/16: Written update to the Board of Trustees
2/2/16: Task Force Meeting & Community Forum #1
4/5/16: Task Force Meeting & Community Forum#2
5/26/16: Board Presentation
5/31/16: Task Force Meeting—Planning for 2016-17

Task Force Membership List

Kim Wallace, Superintendent
Sherea Westra, FUDTA president
Michael Rivera, Mission Valley teacher
Tracy Barnett, Vallejo Mill teacher
Erica Hart, Millard teacher
Lisa Alves, Walters teacher
Beth Perez, Hopkins teacher
Nandhini Nathan, Horner teacher
Denise Mayfield, CSEA Rep
Carole Diamond, Azevada Principal
Stan Hicks, Thornton Principal
Brian Weems, Walters Principal
Debbie Amundson, Director of Elementary Education
James Maxwell, Director of Secondary Education
Joe Armstrong, parent
Chandresh Popal, parent
Swarna Chilakalapudi, parent
Michelle Boss, parent
Andrew Ortega, parent